Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blog Post #4



Before I read and watched these posts about podcasts I really didn't know much about them or how they could be helpful to students or teachers. Now that I have learned about them I believe they are a very effective tool that students seem to enjoy using. I believe that this would be yet another effective tool that we could use for a class projects. Podcasts can be a reliable source for any subject. It is always a plus that they can be used on the go. The first post I read said that podcast were made for the millennial generation which includes everyone that was born after 1980. Anyone in that generation hasn’t experienced life or world without technology or personal computers. They are used to innovated technology and spend countless hours using things like instant messages, videogames, phones, and television.





Podcasts are new and relevant ways to excite students about learning. Podcasts started to trend when iPads and iPods started trending. Podcasts provoke effective ways for interacting with students outside of the traditional classroom. Podcasts can give instructions and show content for anyone, anytime, and anywhere. Podcasts allows different techniques and styles of learning in the classroom.  Students could record a lecture, play it back to themselves, and then listen to it again for a review. You could also make it more student oriented by using the Project Based Learning approach and have students write scripts and act the script out. They could even make a video for it! Podcasts makes students demonstrate a higher order thinking skill and they in turn gain more in-depth learning experience because they themselves are teaching concepts to others. Students could also record role plays in character making their learning more memorable. The process of creating and uploading audio files is easy. Teachers can upload podcasts to their blog, and since they are available anytime, this is great for parents to see what their student has been learning, and also if a student misses school they would be able to see what they missed! 


Students say that it was exciting and makes learning fun! The Principal said that when utilized appropriately it is very effective!


1st Graders Create Their Own Read-Along


I listened to the 1st grade students read their book "Dinosaurs after Dark" on their podcast, they even used sound effects to go along with their story. It was so cute to hear them read and change their voices to create certain moods. They also had more than one person reading, so there was a different child reading for each character in the book. I read that this teacher said it was so funny to watch the students want to re-record because their voice didn't sound just right. The students seemed to enjoy this and it was a very interactive way to teach them to use a podcast which is semi advanced for their age.


I believe that this activity would help many students who have trouble reading or speaking. When they hear what it is actually supposed to sound like they can mimic that until they can say it correctly.


Judy Scharf Podcast Collection


Podcast is a combination of broadcast and iPod. Podcast is a radio like talk show. It could also have music. Anyone can listen to a podcast via the internet using a computer or MP3 player. Podcast can also be downloaded from itunes. They are easily made and you only need a microphone, computer, and software. On this post, she explains podcast and gives links on how to create and use them. She also posted links to help with this also.



 3 simple Steps to Podcasting:
1. Record your content
2.Host your podcast, export it and make it downloadable
3.Publish your podcast!
Click below for a more in-depth explanation on how to podcast!
10 easy steps to create your own podcast

And of course, everything continues to improve, you can now "vod-cast" which is podcast with video!


  1. Hello Shanda, I'm a fellow EDM 310 student, commenting on your Podcast post. You did a very thorough job I would say, congratulations. I do like your images and word play in general, makes me want to keep reading. And I love the "YES TO PODCASTS" addition, ha. Very personal touch and good to start out excitied!

    Alright, about your post and its content, I learned a good deal from reading it, even though I wrote my own podcast post. I had forgotten podcasts started when iPads and iPods were booming, but looking back that is when I first was introduced to idea. Not to say my age did not play a factor, just that the term became familiar to me a little after that time.

    I see that you are inspired to use podcasts, as well, in the future. I think they would be a great tool, and as you say be useful in many classrooms and in tandem with different techniques (video, audio, acting, scripted, non-scripted). And an interesting point I had not thought of was podcasts helping students with reading/speaking problems. Not only if they are shy, but podcasts can help if they are not as practiced in communicating to other people a story or opinion.

    Lastly, good summary of how to make a podcast. Simple as 1, 2 , 3, as they say. Thank you for a clear post, Shanda.
