Sunday, October 27, 2013

Project # 14 PBL Lesson Plan # 2

Title: Making Healthy Choices

Duration: 250 minutes, divided amongst several days

Subject: Health

Teacher: Ms. Shanda Thornton

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Project Idea Summary: Students will determine what foods are healthy choices and why they should make better choices when it comes to the types of foods that they eat. We will have a different activity everyday to explain and teach them about the food choices they make. My students will have a power point, song video about vegetables, and you tube clip to start the project for our entrance to the subject. After we listen to the lesson, we would pull out the magazines and they would cut out five healthy foods and five unhealthy foods and glue it to their paper. We will participate in healthy food bingo for an extra activity. They will list everything they eat on a journal from Monday through Thursday. On Friday, I would have a table set up that has healthy and unhealthy snacks on it and they would have to fill their plate according to the myplate categories of healthy foods. For homework, they would make a poster on why they should choose healthy foods.

Standards: Nutrition Standard # 12 Students will be able to identify healthy foods, including snacks Recognizing the six food groups shown on myplate Identifying characteristics of various foods Examples: taste, smell, color, texture locating the nutrition facts labels on food products

materials: paper scissors glue old magazines bingo cards bingo dots computer smart board paper plates table healthy foods unhealthy foods

21st century competencies: collaboration creativity communication

Entry Events: Power Point a youtube video a music video

Formative assessment worksheets journals checklists

Summative Assessment: multiple choice test self evaluation short presentation

Reflections: Review presentations discussion Healthy Kids

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