Saturday, August 31, 2013

Blog Post # 2

by: Chastity Westry and Shanda Thornton
The movie Mr.Dancealot was a perfect example of teaching in an inappropriate environment. This Social Dance class took place in a lecture hall, filled with auditorium seats and very little space. This course should have taken place in a gym or empty classroom with a lot of free space. In the movie, the students had a variety of mixed expressions and comments toward the instructor. The confusion from the students most likely resulted from the students not actually being able to perform the instructed stances and movements that they were shown. Obviously, when taking a dance class, being able to mock and practice moves are keys to becoming a successful dancer. Mocking these movements during class can give the teacher observations on the progress of their students. Also, this allows the students to be able to correct any wrong movements and improve the class’s progress. When teaching a course, the instructor has to make sure the appropriate tools and environment are available, in order to teach a successful course. Therefore, teaching a Social Dance class, with seated students in an auditorium will not lead to a successful course. To conclude, a majority of the students in this movie most likely failed the course, simply because of  inappropriate setting and instructions.
What it will be like to teach in the 21st century

by: Shanda Thornton

  In this video, we see a list of advancements in technology that are used on a daily basis. The advancement of technology makes it easier to find answers within minutes. The social networks that are available are also a key media in this century. We as teachers should be able to teach our students how to use all the advancements in technology to benefit them to the greatest extent. It should be a top priority to keep up with these resources and learn about all the useful devices that are conveniently available and beneficial to education. Teachers should embrace all of the technologies and use them as often as possible, and also make sure our students can properly use and maintain the new tools that we have. When used correctly they will benefit the teachers and the students. In the movie, Robert showed the difference between entertaining and engaging. These new devices actively engage students, instead of entertaining which is just passive. Students need to be taught to apply, understand, analyze, evaluate, and to be creative  based on the things they explore through technology. They also need to be able to validate, communicate, synthesize, and analyze the information they find, As long as they are taught about piracy, copyrights, confidentiality, and not to plagiarize and copy or cheat, I think that teaching in the 21st century is given an “Easy” button by all the medias and devices ready to use in this day in age. One click and you're ready to go! It is just too easy to tweet, facebook, blog, subscribe to blogs, and anything else you could think of. The possibilities are endless, and exciting to explore! When using these resources, teachers become a filter, challenging students to find relevant information that they can explain and justify.

Harness Your Students’ Digital Smarts

This video shows Ms. Vicki Davis, who won the award for Best Teacher Blog world wide this year. She is a teacher and IT director in rural South Georgia. Her classroom is strictly technology based. She and her students both teach and she says that you don’t have to know everything in a subject to teach it. She and her students learn new things daily. Technology is taking over and she is preparing her students to get comfortable with using new programs. Ms. Vicki uses every type of technology to connect her students to the world. She also stated that every student can learn but when students only have pencil and paper only certain types of students will succeed, so she looks at each of her students strengths and interests and while accomplishing curriculum she customizes her classroom and plans according to her students.


The Networked Student
by : Chastity Westry
          The Networked Student Movie, gave me an insight on many different ways the internet can assist a student. Also, the movie demonstrated on how using the web results in connectivism. There is so much information out there in the world , other than our textbooks. Using programs, such as Blogspot and bookmark sites can be very helpful and provide a wide variety of feedback. Opinions on blogs can be more easier to comprehend, rather than reading passages from textbooks. Not only could it be easier to understand, but there could be a lot more information provided on these sites, from bloggers and authors all across the world.
            Using via blog and social sites all fall into the system of connectivism. In EDM 310, I plan to use all of the resources given to me by my instructor and connect with every single one of my peers.This will be important because we can share and compare our information, not only in class, but out of class as well. For example, the EDM 310 class blog ran by our instructor provides us students with immediate updates, instruction manuals, a syllabus, and shortcuts.  Based on the technology we have today at our university , My peers and I will be able to use the system of connectivism. It is said that the term connectivism, is the application of network principles to define both knowledge and the process of knowledge. Connectivism can be used for biological, social, cognitive, and conceptual ideas.
            Some would ask the question, “ why do we even need a teacher?” .Even though students have access to the web and tons of resources, the teacher/instructor still plays a major role in the classroom. Teachers will be needed for guidance and acceptance. He or she will be expected to show the student  how to communicate properly with others and differentiate good information from bad information. With that being said, the teacher hopes their students take these skills that they have learned to help make major changes in the worlds future. As a student, having all of these resources, I would still want to be able to turn to my instructor with a  question on anything I need help with. I feel as if they are very important because they are there not only for guidance, but for me, a motivational figure.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Practice Blog Post

Hello everyone, my name is Shanda Thornton. I am a 26 year old single mom from Washington County,Alabama, which is Mobiles Northern neighboring county. My hometown is called Fruitdale. I graduated from Fruitdale High School with 26 classmates in 2005. FHS is a small 1-A school that has less than 500 students in grades K-12. I moved to Mobile when I was twenty but returned home when I was 23. I have one daughter,her name is Zoe Drake and she is three years old. She also my world. I never really wanted children, but since I had her, I can’t imagine life without her. I have one older sister and my younger brothers are twins. I also have three nephews and one niece. We spend a lot of time with our family. There is never a dull moment around our house. I work three part time jobs and attend school full time. If all things go as planned, I will start candidacy this spring and graduate in May of 2015. My daughter and I love the outdoors. I like to hunt, fish, and pretty much anything you can do outside is a favorite hobby of ours. We like to dance! I enjoy sports, especially football and I play on a Co-ed softball team during the summer. My favorite season is football season. I enjoy comedy, action, and of course team related movies. My taste in music is weird. I will listen to anything besides classical and opera.
I am seeking a degree in Elementary Education, I want to be the teacher that makes students want to come to school. I want to teach them knowledge, morals, and values that seem to have skipped a few generations, along with the curriculum that they come to learn. I want to show each and every student that I come in contact with that it doesn’t matter where you come from, what you look like, or how you dress. That everyone can succeed if they work hard and are determined. I want to show my students why judging and stereotyping others for not having the same qualities as everyone else is wrong and the effects that both play on the victims. I am a really good listener, I like to play volleyball and softball and I love to sing. If I could be better at doing one thing I would choose to be an amazing singer. I walk around singing all the time and I can’t sing a lick! I am always smiling,smiles are contagious! That was my biggest compliment growing up,I always looked happy. So as if you didn’t have something to smile about already now, because great news college football starts August 31st!! Roll Tide guys!

 This is my little "Angel" -Alabama Hype video.

Blog Assignment # 1

Krissy Venosdale: If I Built A School

Sugata Mitra: Build A School In The Cloud

  I think that Krissy Venosdale and Sugata Mitra showed very good ideas of 21st century learning, and what classrooms would be like if funding weren't an issue. They both are very involved with the technologies of this century. Mitra speaks on the differences of education and tools used for education, comparing them to what it used to be to what it is now. Venosdale shows her creative side as she describes what her designed school would be like. Wouldn't that be nice? If all of these things were at arms reach and available for all teachers and students?! I plan on teaching 3rd-6th grade, and I hope my classroom will be a place where students like to go and they can give a hand in creating a space that make everyone ready to learn and explore! I hope to be teaching history,but in Elementary Education, you are prepared to teach any and all of the subjects. I will emphasize hands on learning and group work. I am sure as we continue through the teaching program here at South we will learn about all kinds of new methods of teaching!

What do you want your students to know(in general)? I want my students to know that each and every person can succeed at anything as long as they believe they can and try! It doesn't matter what color, who you are related to, where you come from, what you look like, or what your parents do for a living, none of that matters! You are your own person. I want to teach children not to judge people because of any of those things. Accepting others, being honest, and hardworking. I want to teach them to be confident and believe in themselves. They should know that they are our future!

What do you want your students to be able to do(in general terms)? I want my students to be able to read and speak fluently. I want them to be able to feel good about themselves while talking in front of the classroom and reading out loud. I want them to want to get involved, and help other students. I want them to ask questions when they don't understand without feeling embarrassed. I also want them to be able to write in a manner that is readable to everyone who reads it. When they leave my classroom I want them to feel like they have learned every lesson that I have taught them and feel confident enough to show others along their journey through school.

What will be your primary way of teaching your students what you want them to know and to do? I feel like I will find new ways to teach as I finish my last year at South Alabama. I will incorporate everything I already know and will continue to learn into my classroom. My number one method will be hands on. I feel like that is one of the best ways to teach so that the students understand. I will always be consistent in my teaching methods, and also change it up so that what I am teaching reaches every student in my classroom. Keeping it interesting will also be a top priority. I will use group work and "student-teaching" along with other methods that I will learn about before I graduate.

What tools will you use in your classroom? tools. I want to keep up with technology but I also want to go back to the basics. I don't want a class that doesn't know how to use every option available. I want to teach students how to use the new technologies available like ipads, computers, internet, and other devices. I also want to make sure that they are aware of the library, encyclopedias, books, and other things that were used before these advances in technologies were so easily available. I do plan on using the SMART board, but I will also have chalk and dry erase boards. I will also incorporate learning games to keep everyone involved. I believe if they enjoy what you are teaching, they will learn it quicker and use it more, than if they think it was boring.

What role will students play in your classroom, i.e. how will they participate in the learning process? Learning Environment. My students will also be my teachers. You learn just as much from your students as they learn from you. I want to allow each student to teach a section of a subject, they will have special projects and group work that they will present to the classroom as the teacher. I want to motivate and inspire them to be confident enough to handle any situations like that.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My First Post

This is my first post! I clicked the HTML button which I should always do in EDM310. I am now a blogger!