Hello everyone, my name is Shanda Thornton. I am a 26 year old single mom from Washington County,Alabama, which is Mobiles Northern neighboring county. My hometown is called Fruitdale. I graduated from Fruitdale High School with 26 classmates in 2005. FHS is a small 1-A school that has less than 500 students in grades K-12. I moved to Mobile when I was twenty but returned home when I was 23. I have one daughter,her name is Zoe Drake and she is three years old. She also my world. I never really wanted children, but since I had her, I can’t imagine life without her. I have one older sister and my younger brothers are twins. I also have three nephews and one niece. We spend a lot of time with our family. There is never a dull moment around our house. I work three part time jobs and attend school full time. If all things go as planned, I will start candidacy this spring and graduate in May of 2015. My daughter and I love the outdoors. I like to hunt, fish, and pretty much anything you can do outside is a favorite hobby of ours. We like to dance! I enjoy sports, especially football and I play on a Co-ed softball team during the summer. My favorite season is football season. I enjoy comedy, action, and of course team related movies. My taste in music is weird. I will listen to anything besides classical and opera.
I am seeking a degree in Elementary Education, I want to be the teacher that makes students want to come to school. I want to teach them knowledge, morals, and values that seem to have skipped a few generations, along with the curriculum that they come to learn. I want to show each and every student that I come in contact with that it doesn’t matter where you come from, what you look like, or how you dress. That everyone can succeed if they work hard and are determined. I want to show my students why judging and stereotyping others for not having the same qualities as everyone else is wrong and the effects that both play on the victims. I am a really good listener, I like to play volleyball and softball and I love to sing. If I could be better at doing one thing I would choose to be an amazing singer. I walk around singing all the time and I can’t sing a lick! I am always smiling,smiles are contagious! That was my biggest compliment growing up,I always looked happy. So as if you didn’t have something to smile about already ...smile now, because great news college football starts August 31st!! Roll Tide guys!
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